The State of Broadband
Maryland is ranked 3rd best in all of the U.S., in terms of broadband access, only being outranked by New Jersey and New York. The entire state has relatively good high-speed broadband coverage, with especially good connectivity in the central part of the state. Maryland also has more than double the national average of fiber-optic service, with average download speeds of 196.2Mbps.
The Digital Divide
While Maryland ranks among the states with the best broadband access in the US, there remains a digital divide between residents who have access to affordable, high-speed internet and those who do not. The majority of the state (96.6%) have access to wired broadband speeds of at least 25Mbps, with roughly 130,000 not having a wired internet connection at all. In terms of choice, Maryland boasts 132 internet providers operating in the state.
Best-Connected Cities
The state is exceptional at providing high-speed, affordable broadband, with Silver Spring Rockville, Gaithersburg, Hyattsville and Balitmore boasting the best combination of price, speed and coverage.
Worst-Connected Cities
Abell, Tall Timbers, Valley Lee, Corriganville and Crumpton, on the other hand, rank the lowest in the state for connectivity.
Governmental Initiatives
Just under $5 million in federal grant money has been spent in Maryland to improve their state-wide broadband connection, with an Office of Rural Broadband to ensure that all states have access to broadband services.