Internet Providers in New York

If you’re searching for internet providers in New York, we’ve got it all mapped out for you. So now there’s no need to sift through countless search engine results or make multiple calls to compare options that suit your needs and budget. We've made finding internet in New York better and easier with HomeLinkd.  Enter your zip code and easily browse through the top internet providers in the area.  We've made finding internet in New York better and easier with HomeLinkd.

Speed for Major providers in New York
Major Providers

1000 Mbps

1000 Mbps

200 Mbps

940 Mbps

940 Mbps

Avg Download Speed
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Terrestrial Broadband Coverage


Wired Low Price Plan Access


Mbps Average State Wide Speed


State Broadband Access Ranking


of New Yorkers have access to broadband 100mbps or faster.


of New Yorkers have access to wireline service.

Internet Speed in Top New York Cities
Top Cities
Avg Download Speed
No. Of Providers


96.3 MBPS

32 Providers

New York

243.8 MBPS

59 Providers


80.1 MBPS

30 Providers


67.1 MBPS

25 Providers


77.9 MBPS

21 Providers

Speed Test in New York
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State Averagespeed Broadbandcoverage State abbr
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The State of Broadband

New York is the second most well-connected State in the U.S. Counties throughout New York State fairly evenly connected, with an average state-wide download speed is 190.5 Mbps.

The Digital Divide

Surprisingly, 112,000 New Yok state residents do not have wired internet services available at their homes.  
In general, New York State is ahead of the nationwide statistics.

Best-Connected Cities

The top-ranking towns in New York State with the best mix of broadband coverage, speed, and affordability are New Rochelle, Baldwin, Scarsdale, Hempstead, and Long Beach; these towns enjoy 100% wired broadband coverage along with a many other towns in the state.

Worst-Connected Cities

The worst-connected towns in New York are Alcove, Chippewa Bay, Sabael, Brainard, and Van Horneseville, as these residents do not have wired broadband coverage.

Governmental Initiatives

New York lawmakers established a New NY State Broadband Program in 2015, with $500 million invested into the project, this initiative is the largest and most expansive of any state nationwide, with the aim of increasing availability to high-speed internet access and ultimately getting broadband for all.